Don't Waste Tomorrow

Welcome to Don't Waste Tomorrow, which is part of Underflod & Friends.
We are incredibly happy to be able to present their beautiful tables, as we share a common vision of a more circular production. Our selection of tables from Don't Waste Tomorrow is made from the finest natural stones, where each individual plate is carefully selected to ensure a long durability. The stones come from leftover lots from other companies. This fits perfectly with Underflod's values ​​and range, where none of our own products are exactly the same, as they are also made from recycled materials, where the structure of the wood is different.

7 products

Sidebord med marmorplade Sidebord med marmorplade
sofabord med marmorpladesofabord med marmorplade
sofabord med marmorpladesofabord med marmorplade
spisebord med marmorpladeSpisestue med spisebord i marmor
Spisebord med marmorpladeSpisebord med marmorplade
Firkantet spisebord med marmorplade og træbenFirkantet spisebord med marmorplade og træben
Firkantet spisebord med marmorplade og træbenFirkantet spisebord med marmorplade og træben