We Do Wood

Welcome to We Do Wood, which is part of Underflod & Friends.
This is a furniture brand that we are very proud to be able to sell to our customers. We Do Wood creates minimalist and modern furniture with an eye to it being able to last for the next generation. We Do Wood takes care of the environment, which plays together with our values ​​here at Underflod. We Do Wood strives to follow the UN's Global Goals and the principles of circular economy in connection with the development and production of their furniture.

24 products

Field desk skrivebord i egetræField desk skrivebord i egetræ
Field Desk, Oak - We Do Wood Sale price€1.135,95 EUR
Hylde med 4 rum i røget eg. Livsstilsbillede med we do wood børnemøbler
Foursquare shelf - We Do Wood Sale priceFrom €307,95 EUR
Væghængt hylde i egetræVæghængt hylde i egetræ
Threesquare shelf - We Do Wood Sale priceFrom €287,95 EUR
Livsstilsbillede af gang hvor scoreboard knagerække vises med en hvid jakke påEt badeværelse, hvor der er fokus på håndvask og scoreboard knagerække
Scoreboard Vertical - We Do Wood Sale priceFrom €157,95 EUR
Loop Desk skrivebord i egetræLoop Desk skrivebord i egetræ
Loop Desk - We Do Wood Sale price€916,95 EUR
Væghylde i egetræ med messing ophængHylde med lampe og magasiner på
Loop Shelf - We Do Wood Sale priceFrom €179,95 EUR
Lænestol i egetræNomad Chair lænestol i egetræ
Nomad Chair - We Do Wood Sale price€1.159,95 EUR
Repo hylde i lys egReol til vægen i egetræ
Højtalere til iPhone i egetræHøjtalere til iPhone i egetræ
Sono Ambra, Iphone - We Do Wood Sale price€67,95 EUR
livstils billede af 2 skohylder med 2 sko på hylden og ét par på gulvet.Livsstils billede af knagerække i bambus og messing
Shoe Rack - We Do Wood Sale priceFrom €179,95 EUR
Egetræs hylde med dekorative genstandeSættekasse til væggen i egetræ
Fivesquare shelf - We Do Wood Sale priceFrom €311,95 EUR
Højtaler til IpadHøjtaler til Ipad
Sono Ambra, Tablet - We Do Wood Sale price€82,95 EUR
Sort knagerække fra We Do WoodKnagerækker i egetræ
Reces - We Do Wood By Roon & Rahn Sale priceFrom €205,95 EUR
Knagerække i egetræ med flere rækkerFrakkeramme og bænk i egetræ
Coat Frame - We Do Wood Sale priceFrom €444,95 EUR
Bænk i egetræBænk i egetræ
Livsstilsbillede med spejl og knagerække i fokusSpejl set fra siden
Framed Mirror, Oak - We Do Wood Sale price€755,95 EUR
Et livsstils billede af et børneværelse møbler fra We Do WoodNærbillede af børnestol fra We Do Wood
Lily's Chair Oak - We Do Wood Sale price€273,95 EUR
Pige bliver målt i højdenStumtjener i egetræ
Laid Back, Solid Oak - We Do Wood Sale price€478,95 EUR
Skrivebord til børn, med en bog og kridt påBørneværelse med skrivebord og stol til børn. Derudover er der også en foursquare hylde, knagerække og en opbevarings bænk
Geo's Table Oak - We Do Wood Sale price€389,95 EUR
Livsstils billede med en stol, vaser og en knage hængende fra loftet med interiør på.Børneværelse med hængende knagerække
Copenhagen - We Do Wood Sale priceFrom €287,95 EUR
Knagerække i egetræKnagerække i egetræ
Solid Hook - We Do Wood Sale priceFrom €121,95 EUR
Scoreboard large horisontal i materialet bambus. Derudover er der sat eco dots på i flere farver.Scoreboard large horisontal i materialet oak. Derudover er der sat eco dots på i flere farver.
Scoreboard Horizontal - We Do Wood Sale priceFrom €157,95 EUR
Scoreboard square i materialet oak. Scoreboard square i materialet oak. Set fra venstre
Scoreboard Square, Oak - We Do Wood Sale price€296,95 EUR
Eco Dots i flere farverOpslagstavle i egetræ
Scoreboard, Eco Dots - We Do Wood Sale price€13,95 EUR

We Do Wood wooden furniture: Timeless design and high quality

We Do Wood is a Danish brand that designs and produces its products locally. In addition to their high production standard, they also provide support to maintain jobs in the furniture industry.

At Underflod you can find a large selection of We Do Wood furniture. We sell many furniture categories that contain everything you need from We Do Wood. You will find everything from elegant desks, chairs, creative coat racks and other cool storage solutions. There is nothing you can't find in furniture from We Do Wood. Their furniture is unique wooden furniture that adds warmth, character and gives any room an extra special element. So regardless of whether you want a classic or modern look, you can find the perfect piece of furniture with We Do Wood's wooden furniture.

Get more out of your walls with wooden shelves from We Do Wood

Upgrade your walls with wooden shelves from We Do Wood. With a brand like We Do Wood, you can easily find modern and stylish shelves to suit any home. Whether you want to optimize storage space or add a decorative element, you will be able to find it in our selection of shelves from We Do Wood. The wooden shelves are incredibly versatile and can be easily integrated into the kitchen, hallway, bedroom or living room. See the selection now here .

Furnish your home with coat racks from We Do Wood

We Do Wood has created many different and versatile coat racks for your home. You will find everything from stylish, modern and artistic coat racks in the collection. Choose coat racks from We Do Wood that not only organize your favorite items, but can also function as a decorative element in your home. With We Do Wood you get timeless and modern design in one. Whether you are looking for a coat rack in wood, metal or a mixture of materials, We Do Wood has just the coat rack you are looking for. See the selection here.

Desk from We Do Wood: Perfect for the home office

If you need a desk, We Do Wood has designed the perfect desk for the home, the Loop Desk. We Do Wood's Loop Desk has won an IF Design Award 2022 in the home furniture/decoration category for the thoroughly fantastic and innovative desk. We Do Wood's popular Loop Desk is a desk that can be folded up and down depending on how much space you need in the room. The perfect desk, if you don't have much space to do with in your home, or if you simply want more out of your space, then the Loop Desk is the ideal solution for you. See Loop Desk here .

We Do Wood offers a lot of interesting and stylish furniture for both young and old, and you can see the whole selection of their furniture right here.