Featured products

6 products

Lille skærebrætLille skærebræt i træ med riller fra Underflod
No. 2 - Cutting board Sale price345,00 DKK
Billede af tørret blomster i vase og ét lille skærebræt og ét stort skærebræt Stort skærebræt i træ med riller
No. 2 - Cutting board (Large) Sale price545,00 DKK
Hermod serveringsbakkeBillede af Hermod serveringsbakke stående på sten ved havvand
No. 1 - Hermod Serving tray Sale price995,00 DKK
Tapasbræt i træBillede af stort tapasbræt med brie og vindrue på og et glas vin ved siden af
No. 4 - Tapas board (long) Sale price425,00 DKK
Tapasbræt i træ fra UnderflodBillede taget oppe fra oliven, brie og 2 stykker brød
No. 3 - Tapas board (short) Sale price400,00 DKK
Knage enkeltstyk med hvid baggrund Knage enkeltstyk med jakke på
No. 7 - Single hook Sale price90,00 DKK

Danish design with timeless products

The products at Underflod are all created with a focus on a timeless and minimalist design, where quality is not compromised. We have a strong focus on the design process behind our products, where we always have in mind reusability and recycling into the production process. By investing in a product from Underflod, you therefore get a product that maintains its value and will fit into future interior styles for many years to come.

High quality products and recyclable materials

In addition to the fact that our products are created with an eye to the aesthetic appearance, a great deal of thought and value has also been put into the quality of the materials in every product. We work with recycled materials as much as we can, and constantly try to create innovative solutions for the way we produce furniture today. All our wood is recycled wood or residual wood from other Danish production companies. We have of course taken into account that the wood used for tapas boards and cutting boards comes from production companies, so that it has not been treated with any kind of chemicals.

We are entering the battle with rapid steps to combat the redundant use of materials in this interior and furniture industry we are in. At Underflod, we believe that circular economy and design can go hand in hand, and that our products can help set a new standard for how we think about the furniture and interior industry.

Much more than another product for the home

Underflod's products are more than just a typical cutting board, tapas board or knife holder. They are the result of a joint effort to create something good and inclusive in and for society. Production takes place in sheltered workshops for the socially disadvantaged and in Danish prisons, where the inmates help create these timeless products. It is an effort we are proud to be a part of. We hope that you will join us on this journey and support our desire to create a more inclusive future, where there is a focus on combating the overuse of materials.

Read more about Underflod's visions